East Lake Market Jams, Jellies, and Relishes are delicious! Be sure to get some at the next Farmers Market!

East Lake Market Jams, Jellies, and Relishes are delicious! Be sure to get some at the next Farmers Market!
Farmers Market Season is here! Every Saturday morning from 8-noon. Rain or Shine!
We love our East Lake artists! You’ll find lots of special items at the Market every Saturday morning, but we like to feature them on special days like May 11th. Click here to learn more about the East Lake Arts District and where to find great art in our neighborhood.
In partnership with the Birmingham Urban League, Inc., Walgreens is bringing their Way to Well Health Tour to the East Lake Farmers Market on Saturday, May 18th. Come by our Market on the 18th between 8 and noon to receive health tests valuing $100. It will include cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, and weight assessments. There’s…
The East Lake Farmers Market is on the move. Our Mobile Farmers Market Bus is out and about in the neighborhood to bring fresh produce to you! Here’s our current schedule. East Lake Mobile Market Schedule Fall 2013 Tuesdays: 11:45-12:15 p.m. Shepherd Center East 118 84th Street North 12:30-1:00 p.m. Faush Metropolitan Manor 5701 1st…
If you’re over 60 and meet income eligibility requirements, you can apply for the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP). To apply for coupons online, click here.